Monday, November 12, 2012

Post WorkOut Meal

After a hard workout your muscles are torn down, glycogen is depleted, and you may have even entered catabolism. The only way to stop this is by feeding them the nutrients that they need. Studies show that carbs are stored as glycogen 125% more efficiently directly after working out than any other time during the day. Also, protein synthesis (the building of new muscle) is highly elevated. Taking carbs and protein after a workout also increases levels of growth hormone and insulin. It only makes sense to take advantage of this time and feed your muscles what they need to repair and grow.

The first thing you need to ingest for your post-workout meal is water. Your body is made up of 80% water, when you workout you lose alot of this water in sweat and internally by working tissues. Water is used in the formationand burning of atp and is also used to keep your internal temperature down. Many do not realize the importance of re-hydrating after a workout. If you cant get a meal in a good alternitive would be P90X Results and Recovery. what does this shake offer?
  • Dextrose-based formula for optimum glycogen replenishment*
  • A high Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) blend to provide the critical building blocks for rapid muscle resynthesis*
  • Vitamins, including antioxidants, to help reduce muscle soreness and assist in repair and growth

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